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Poking fun at seriously ridiculous ads and posing blunt questions about them make listening to these earnest self righteous proclamations a whole lot more entertaining. You may laugh or cringe, shake your head, maybe sigh a lot. But there will be a whole big bunch of stuff that you won’t buy, and won’t recommend either. One of my earlier favorites was the one that said that a product containing something from a jellyfish might rejuvenate your brain. My comeback was: “When was the last time you had an intelligent conversation with a jellyfish? …The first time…?” I mean, why would anyone think the insides of a possibly poisonous sea animal would be brain enhancing? But the ad touts it loudly!  And apparently the product is selling (although I’ve noticed that the Jellyfish is no longer featured?)

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Gov't - Politics

The SQUAD: Another View…

“SQUAD” is an interesting word with numerous strong connotations.  It might be associated with “death”.  It might be associated with sports.  It might be associated with police.  But whatever it is associated with, the word invariably evokes strong masculinity, locker room masculinity, sometimes brute masculinity. So… what a strange word to use for identifying this foursome of cheeky insolent irreverent abusive Democrat freshmen females in Congress. To me, they more resemble a disarrayed bevy of squawking hens.  Lots of noise.  Lots of blustering.  Lots of [left] wing pointing.  Lots of pecking.  And lots of egg laying.  (Have you ever seen more zero results?) But no teeth when it comes to issues.

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More !! NANO NEWS Briefs!  Michael Cohen, convicted ex-New York attorney to Donald J Trump, is suing Trump for fees! An apparent agreement from July 2017 had the Trump Organization paying legal fees for Cohen as he underwent scrutiny involving him and Trump, up to a notable $1.7 million dollars, through June 2018. But in July 2018 – when Cohen flipped and became a cooperating witness – The Trump Organization and its monies disappeared. So now Cohen stomps his foot.  C’mon, Mikey! Lighten up! Laugh and the World Laughs with You!  >>>>>  Girl Scout’s highest Gold Award has been given to Pro-Abortion Tucson teen, Meghna Gopalan. She was honored by the Scouts for her volunteer work in “reproductive health justice”, aka abortion, including participation in the 2018 Tucson Women’s March.  Whatever happened to badges for sewing, cooking, swimming, hiking?  >>>>> Washington Examiner — Deregulation explodes under Trump, 13 regulations killed for every new one, $33B saved,  by Paul Bedard | July 22, 2019 11:05 AM  >>>>>   New housing starts up locally!  Property Tax officials, local census takers, and Oregon Health Care studying the trend.         Bureaucrats ponder: Is the housing condition safe? Is the housing overcrowded? Is the food FDA and USDA approved? Who’s writing for the grant?  

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Gov't - Politics

So What the Heck IS a TRILLION ??

Simple:  It’s a gazillion bazillions…….  ;-))   >>>>>>>>>>>>  Various media have been tossing around the “Trillion” numbers lately.  As we mere mortals do not have the capacity to just envision off hand the actual worth of a “trillion”, the numbers become happenstance and meaningless.  I mean, we get – and easily – the value, or worth, or size of a million pebbles, or a million mattresses, or feathers, or rubies, and of course a million dollars.  We can grasp the concept of a “Million”. Billions get trickier.  Two million, okay.  Ten million, okay.  100 million a little vaguer.  1,000 million – which is one billion – is fairly hard to put your finger on.  (Yes, it would be very nice to get your hands on a billion, and I encourage it!  Still, it might take a week, or month, or year or so to figure out what to do with all of that.) 

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Culture and Education

Muslim JIHAD by TAQUIYYA — Virtuous Lying Is Soooo Easy…

JIHAD (jee’-hahd) has a couple definitions. The one used here is “the Qu’ran-decreed struggle to establish the worldwide Muslim Caliphate in Allah’s honor”  Caliphate is the Muslim word for total world dominance by the Islam religion over all other religions and peoples, led by a Caliph (khalif) for the honor of Allah.  Or more simply: the Muslim One World Order.  Non-believers beware, be taxed, beheaded. There are many faces, many facets and styles to Jihad. To Demonstrate the Difference – A Picture is worth a Thousand Words… Muslim Jihad by TERROR Muslim Jihad by TAQUIYYA It should perhaps be a requirement that all articles dealing with Islam start with a definition of “taquiyya” (taquia, taquiya). (tah-key’-yah).  This is a collection of Koran (Qu’ran) edicts that allows – sometimes requires – Muslims to lie straight-faced or smiling to non-believers in any area that promotes the spread of Allah and the World Muslim Caliphate (the One World Islam Order).

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Ever get this creepy feeling that there are pulsing negative layers out there you can’t see but can definitely sense? That the One World Bureaucracy is decidedly and disasterously percolating just under the visible surface regardless of the President or the Congress? Welcome to SES. This is the rarely-ever-heard-of  Senior Executive Service. The SES was created 40 year ago by Congress in the Civil Service Reform Act of 1978 (CSRA), and was put into effect in 1979.  (Jimmy Carter; the Shah defects; the Mid-East erupts; the U.S Tehran Embassy in Iran is overrun, hostages taken; and SES is born.)

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QUOTES of NOTE ~ May 2019

AMERICAN Sovereignty –   “This is why Americans reject the idea of a sovereign United Nations that presumes to be the source of legitimacy for the United States Government’s policies, foreign or domestic. There is only one source of legitimacy of the American government’s policies – and that is the consent of the American people.” Sen Jesse Helms, 1-20-2000 in a speech to the UN Security Council. Government Power   “Government power must be dispersed. If government is to exercise power, better in the county than in the state, better in the state than in Washington. …If I do not like what my local community does, I can move to another local community… If I do not like what my state does, I can move to another. [But] if I do not like what Washington imposes, I have few alternatives in this world of jealous nations.” Milton Friedman, economist, in his 1962 book Capitalism and Freedom. Are Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar Jihadis in Congress?   … “The jihadist concept of al wala al barra …stipulates that a Muslim owes no allegiance to, and must not obey the laws of, any political system that is not run by Muslims, and that such un-Islamic systems must be destroyed.”   Sebastian Gorka’s 2018 book Why We Fight. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

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Gov't - Politics

new feature!! NANO NEWS Briefs

Uh DUH!  REALLY? NANO NEWS Briefs.   Right here. I heard on the radio a couple weeks back that 72 Mayor-elects in Mexico have been killed since 2006. What d’ya think Nancy and Chuck? Nothing to see behind that curtain…? You afraid of the drug kings coming north? NATO. According to Business Insider “NATO estimates collective defense spending among all member states will total more that $936 billion in 2018. US defense spending accounts for roughly 67% of this…” ($627 Billion. Or $685 Billion… Who knows?) NATO numbers get slippery and tricky but the U.S. just somehow never seems to find itself holding the winning hand at the table… And those are some very very expensive chips…… and ships, and…. Killing Babies. It was reported back 2 or 3 years ago that Hillary Clinton remarked, “A baby shouldn’t be called a baby until its mother takes it home.” Also, “A mother should be able to abort up to two weeks after she delivers.” That was years ahead of Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam’s “Keep the baby comfortable” comment while mom and the docs talk it over. I don’t recall the flapdoodle then, do you? Insubordination. Since when is it okay for military officers to undercut their Commander-in-Chief? Enter 39-year retiring General Joseph Votel recently from the Syrian theatre, who said, “When I say, ‘we have defeated them,’ [ISIS] I want to ensure that means they do not have the capability to plot or direct attacks against the US or our allies,” and “They still have this very powerful ideology, so they can inspire.” Hey, Generalissimo Votel, they’ve had that same inspiring “powerful ideology” for about 1400 years now… GO TRUMP!   Bring our people home.  USA! USA! USA! Profitable Creativity in the Medical Industry. What do sleep apnea, tennis elbow, Hepatitis (Continue Reading)

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COCONUT OIL One of Nature’s Gifts!

SO GOOD FOR SO MUCH! Numerous alternative doctors have listed multiple health benefits from using coconut oil: Understanding Coconut Oil by Dr Stephen Sinatra. 20 Benefits from Coconut Oil by Dr Josh Axe. 5 Reason to Use Coconut Oil by Newsmax Health including Dr Blaylock. These benefits variously include heart health, weight loss, decrease in candida and other yeast problems, decreased inflammation, alzheimer’s improvement, brain health, skin and hair improvements, and lowered cholesterol levels, among others. Unlike other fats, the distinct medium-chain triglyceride saturated fat makeup of coconut oil is processed quickly through the liver, releasing energy for the brain and body, and is then not stored as fat. Coconut oil contains lauric acid and capric and caprylic acids, influential in reducing infections and inflammations. This plant oil is also essentially toxin free.

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Coming To Your Community


DID “EUNUCHS” GET YOUR ATTENTION ?  Have you noticed how many young boys all of a sudden start getting fat and hangy-breasted? And maybe they don’t smell so good? And some of them get skin infections and boils? And their personalities go to Hell, literally? Their studies fall off. Their social skills – which maybe weren’t much to begin with – shrink. To call them “surly” would be a compliment. They get sloppy, dirty, indifferent, unmanageable. “Just a phase he’s going through!” Really? From age 9 through 19? Is that it? Turning your boy into a eunuch is not just a phase. It is a global plan that is well along on its way – a plan to diminish or destroy sperm mobility and usefulness, manhood and masculinity, male strength and goals, creating snowflakes and pansies all along the way, while loudly maligning Toxic Masculinity (however that might be defined…)