The SQUAD: Another View…

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“SQUAD” is an interesting word with numerous strong connotations.  It might be associated with “death”.  It might be associated with sports.  It might be associated with police.  But whatever it is associated with, the word invariably evokes strong masculinity, locker room masculinity, sometimes brute masculinity.

So… what a strange word to use for identifying this foursome of cheeky insolent irreverent abusive Democrat freshmen females in Congress.

To me, they more resemble a disarrayed bevy of squawking hens.  Lots of noise.  Lots of blustering.  Lots of [left] wing pointing.  Lots of pecking.  And lots of egg laying.  (Have you ever seen more zero results?)

But no teeth when it comes to issues.


Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez NY-14
Ilhan Omar MN-05
Rashida Tlaib MI-13
Ayanna Pressley MA-07

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez,   Rashida Tlaib.  Ilhan Omar.  Ayanna Pressley.

Let us know when your cock fights end, Dears, and our congressional business begins. 

And girls, please:  Remember your oaths of office to the Constitution of the United States, …

E pluribus unum — whether you like it or not…….

In fact, if you DON’T like it why not just ………….

Ronnie Herne (c) 2019