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Is there sufficient evidence of election vote fraud to warrant your fighting for the truth? Actually, there is so much information it is almost too overwhelming.   I believe the small portion of information below is more than enough to to prove fraud … in fact, I  believe there is more than enough to warrant people going to prison.  Trying to upend our form of government is a Treasonous act!   That is not to say all the individual voters are accountable, but rather those buying votes, falsifying votes, and/or manipulating voting machines’ ballot counts, refusing to allow legitimate poll watchers access, etc. A few reported causes to question Dominion Voting machines: they were originally created in Venezuela for Cesar Chavez; the November 3rd vote counts were sent to a CIA server located in Frankfurt Germany before being sent back to the US counting machines; Texas previously analyzed them and turned them down as unreliable and open to manipulation; Dominion sold to China October 8, 2020 for $400 million. VOTE FRAUD?  “It doesn’t matter how many people vote, only who counts them.” Joseph  Stalin The following links are not even a tip of the iceberg! PA  IT Special Analyst: USB cards uploaded to voting machines 24+ times, 47 USB cards missing | NTD Votes sent out of country and then back to US  At least 30,000 ballots scanned numerous times in Dominion machines: Foreign Ties Behind Voting Machines Used in US Nancy Pelosi’s Chief of Staff Is Chief Executive and Feinstein’s husband a shareholder at Dominion  $6.3 Million from Zuckerberg Funded Group Whistleblower: USPS Truck Driver Reveals 288k STOLEN BALLOTS Pakistan connection – plus multiple states’ information on election voting.  Video  ‘ Lin Wood ‘ The evidence I have is stunning’ (Continue Reading)

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Big Tech’s Laugh (2)

FACEBOOK: July 11, 2019 Breitbart and PJ Media reports It’s no secret Mark Zuckerberg uses Facebook’s giant social network to rig elections and sway public opinion for his left-wing agenda.   In an interview at the Aspen Ideas Festival, Facebook’s CEO was asked about what he is doing to comply with governments in regards to free speech and elections. Mark Zuckerberg admitted during a recent talk that the social media network banned a number of pro-life advertisements ahead of the Irish abortion referendum.

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Big Tech’s Laugh (3)

FACEBOOK  Lucas Nolan  Breitbart News 7-15-19   Forbes reports that Australian cyber researcher Edin Jusupovic recently claimed on Twitter that Facebook is embedding “hidden codes” in photos that users upload to the site to track how many people see and share the photos. The  “IPTC special instructions” that Jusupovic describes are essentially digital watermarks embedded in image metadata by Facebook, which the company can then access again at a later date. One user on Reddit explained it simply stating: “It is yet another way to learn associations between people.” JB   >>>>>

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Big Tech’s Laugh (4)

GOOGLE: News Target  07/15/2019 / By JD Heyes Peter Thiel, co-founder of PayPal, blasted fellow Silicon Valley giant Google during a speech at the National Conservatism conference in Washington, D.C., over the weekend for agreeing to work with Communist China and shunning technology projects involving the U.S. military.   As he opened his speech, the billionaire investor cited Google’s attempts to work out a deal with Beijing to develop a tightly-controlled search engine after letting lapse a U.S. Defense Department contract that would have given the American military access to the company’s powerful artificial intelligence tools.

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Big Tech’s Laugh (5)

Government: 07/11/2019 / By JD Heyes   In a recent column, libertarian and former Reagan administration official Paul Craig Roberts analyzes this from the perspective of the 2020 Census. Specifically, Roberts wonders how it is that the Judicial Branch permits regular, serial abuses of our constitutionally guaranteed rights but refuses to allow the government to find out how many people in our country are actually citizens.

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QUOTES of NOTE ~ May 2019

AMERICAN Sovereignty –   “This is why Americans reject the idea of a sovereign United Nations that presumes to be the source of legitimacy for the United States Government’s policies, foreign or domestic. There is only one source of legitimacy of the American government’s policies – and that is the consent of the American people.” Sen Jesse Helms, 1-20-2000 in a speech to the UN Security Council. Government Power   “Government power must be dispersed. If government is to exercise power, better in the county than in the state, better in the state than in Washington. …If I do not like what my local community does, I can move to another local community… If I do not like what my state does, I can move to another. [But] if I do not like what Washington imposes, I have few alternatives in this world of jealous nations.” Milton Friedman, economist, in his 1962 book Capitalism and Freedom. Are Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar Jihadis in Congress?   … “The jihadist concept of al wala al barra …stipulates that a Muslim owes no allegiance to, and must not obey the laws of, any political system that is not run by Muslims, and that such un-Islamic systems must be destroyed.”   Sebastian Gorka’s 2018 book Why We Fight. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

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