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Bill Gates (Think Moderna) and U.N. Report: VACCINE-INDUCED POLIO

By JB News Target   9-8-2020  Excerpts:  “United Nations forced to admit that vaccines from Bill Gates are spreading polio throughout Africa.” “… World Health Organization (WHO)   …polio vaccines from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation are spreading more polio throughout Africa. Not only that, but these “relief” jabs are killing young black lives in places like Chad and Sudan where outbreaks of the vaccine-induced disease are spreading like wildfire. “There is local circulation in Sudan and continued sharing of transmission with Chad.” “This is why Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s law firm has filed a lawsuit against Gates for crimes against humanity…” United Nations forced to admit that vaccines from Bill Gates are spreading polio throughout Africa NewsTarget   Uncensored and Independent Media News 09/08/2020 / By Ethan Huff / Comments A new report by the World Health Organization (WHO), a branch of the United Nations (UN), confirms everything we have long been saying about the deadly nature of Bill Gates’ vaccination programs in the Third World. Entitled, “Circulating vaccine-derived poliovirus type 2 – Sudan,” the report outlines how polio vaccines from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation are spreading more polio throughout Africa. Not only that, but these “relief” jabs are killing young black lives in places like Chad and Sudan where outbreaks of the vaccine-induced disease are spreading like wildfire. Amazingly, the WHO openly admits that the strain of poliovirus currently circulating, known as cVDPV2, is “vaccine-derived.” This clearly indicates that it is being spread by the very same vaccines that Bill Gates claims are helping to “save lives” and “eradicate polio.” “Sequencing of viruses isolated in Sudan so far reflects that the viruses are related with viruses reported earlier in neighboring Chad from where there were multiple separate introductions into Sudan from Chad,” the report explains. “There is (Continue Reading)

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Gov't - Politics


INFORMATION SOURCES   By JB Each of us usually has our ‘special’ information sources, but I want to make sure you have a few more that I find very useful: The best USA & world news newspaper that I personally have seen in my lifetime – newspaper & digital – is The Epoch Times . They are currently running a special. Non-partisan watchdog investigations of illegal government actions – Judicial Watch . Don’t forget the real Supreme Court – Ted Cruz book – One Vote Away Articles from the White House ;; Constitution Article III Sections 1 & 2. And your White House comment page

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Is there sufficient evidence of election vote fraud to warrant your fighting for the truth? Actually, there is so much information it is almost too overwhelming.   I believe the small portion of information below is more than enough to to prove fraud … in fact, I  believe there is more than enough to warrant people going to prison.  Trying to upend our form of government is a Treasonous act!   That is not to say all the individual voters are accountable, but rather those buying votes, falsifying votes, and/or manipulating voting machines’ ballot counts, refusing to allow legitimate poll watchers access, etc. A few reported causes to question Dominion Voting machines: they were originally created in Venezuela for Cesar Chavez; the November 3rd vote counts were sent to a CIA server located in Frankfurt Germany before being sent back to the US counting machines; Texas previously analyzed them and turned them down as unreliable and open to manipulation; Dominion sold to China October 8, 2020 for $400 million. VOTE FRAUD?  “It doesn’t matter how many people vote, only who counts them.” Joseph  Stalin The following links are not even a tip of the iceberg! PA  IT Special Analyst: USB cards uploaded to voting machines 24+ times, 47 USB cards missing | NTD Votes sent out of country and then back to US  At least 30,000 ballots scanned numerous times in Dominion machines: Foreign Ties Behind Voting Machines Used in US Nancy Pelosi’s Chief of Staff Is Chief Executive and Feinstein’s husband a shareholder at Dominion  $6.3 Million from Zuckerberg Funded Group Whistleblower: USPS Truck Driver Reveals 288k STOLEN BALLOTS Pakistan connection – plus multiple states’ information on election voting.  Video  ‘ Lin Wood ‘ The evidence I have is stunning’ (Continue Reading)

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A Great New Patriot Song!    “I Stand for the Flag.“                  link The patriotic country ensemble known as the Wes Cook Band was censored by Facebook earlier this week while trying to promote their new song: “I Stand for the Flag.” (TheBlaze)   After releasing a video for the ballad, Facebook initially approved the band’s application to use paid promotional tools. But then, the social media giant revoked the request citing “political content.”   Source: AAN  by: AAN Staff   2018-07-04 JB   >>>>>

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PELOSI MANSION’S BACKYARD The Epoch Times – Matthew Vadum Anti-poverty Activist  Says San Francisco Slums Resemble World’s Worst   San Francisco has the highest rate of street homelessness in the United States.    …Driven by a rapid growth in homelessness, San Francisco, considered by some to be an enlightened bastion of left-wing social engineering , now resembles some of the worst slums on the planet, according to international anti-poverty activist Leilani Farha.  ….She has since traveled to Manila, Philippines; Jakarta, Indonesia; Mexico City, Mexico; and New Delhi and Mumbai in India. The situation in San Francisco is on par with those large overseas cities, she said.    ….On any given night, more than 4,300 people sleep on the streets.     JB  >>>>>>>>

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AAN AAN Staff 7-8-19  On San Francisco homelessness…   …But as the city’s liberal leadership turns the metropolis into a cesspool of homelessness, drug use, and feces-covered streets, San Francisco’s economic lifeblood is drying up as major conferences abruptly cancel scheduled  conventions and flee to nearby cities. ….”A large medical convention that has been coming to San Francisco since the 1980s is looking for a new host city because of the dirty streets and the homeless issues plaguing the area, according to San Francisco Travel, the city’s convention and visitors bureau,”  KRON reported in July 2018 JB  >>>>>>>

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 [IS THIS THE RELIGION OF PEACE?]   Deborah Danan Breitbart 15 Jul 2019 TEL AVIV – A senior Hamas official in Gaza has called on Palestinians in the diaspora to “slaughter Jews” around the world.   During a speech at Friday’s so-called March of the Return protests, Fathi Hamad warned that if the blockade of Gaza, imposed by Israel and Egypt for security reasons, is not lifted by July 19, “every Jew on the planet” should be killed. “Our patience has run out. We are on the verge of exploding. If this siege is not undone, we will explode in the face of our enemies, with God’s permission and glory. The explosion is not only going to be in Gaza but also in the [West] Bank and abroad, if God wills,” Hamad said in the speech, which was broadcast on the Hamas-owned Al-Aqsa TV.

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Big Tech’s Laugh (2)

FACEBOOK: July 11, 2019 Breitbart and PJ Media reports It’s no secret Mark Zuckerberg uses Facebook’s giant social network to rig elections and sway public opinion for his left-wing agenda.   In an interview at the Aspen Ideas Festival, Facebook’s CEO was asked about what he is doing to comply with governments in regards to free speech and elections. Mark Zuckerberg admitted during a recent talk that the social media network banned a number of pro-life advertisements ahead of the Irish abortion referendum.