Month: August 2018


Map Only. End of Article.

Poison Ivy/Poison Oak
It has been stated that any cream or oil spreads the problem. Having tried them I believe that statement.
My personal experience has been as follows:
- When coming inside from the outdoors I ALWAYS wash my hands with Fels-Naptha lye soap ( usually found in the laundry section of your store ). Remember, your pet may have been running through the patch responsible for your discomfort.
- All times of the year, except the dead of winter, I have a bottle in my bathroom with a mixture of 75% water and 25% Clorox. When I think ( or know ) an area has been infected I wipe the area with this solution. Sometimes this solution may need to be used again a little later, but I have not had an occurrence where this solution failed to solve my problem.
No, I have no problem or discomfort with this solution. ( No burning, etc.) However, we are all different, so one should always gently test solutions with care.
End of article.

Natural News.com 8-23-18
Simple, practical and inexpensive. Some of you will remember “water glassing”, a farm solution for providing for your fresh chicken eggs over winter time when the hens primarily do not lay…
This 13 minute video is very easy to follow… just remember Do Not wash your fresh eggs because that would open the pores to let the solution into the eggs. ( store bought eggs have always been washed. ) JB
End of article.

By Amil Imani:
Time and again I have warned that Islam and the West cannot co-exist. Time and again, it was as though, I was talking to a wall. It appears it has become useless to speak of this issue. No one seems to care.
Fellow travelers, there is no “coexistence” in Islam, there is only subjugation or elimination of infidels. Islam believes in the rule of Islam, Caliphate to the Sunnis and Imamate to the Shiites. Hence, to Muslims, all other forms of government represent the handiwork of Satan and infidels. Therefore, one and all non-Islamic systems of government must be purified by Islamic fire. This is a fact.
Muslim jihadists live among us. It is only going to get worse. Jihadists consider themselves the army of Allah. They use violence as an instrument of policy. This continues to be central to Islam.
[caption id="attachment_1099" align="alignleft" width="232"] ISLAM SCIMITAR. PERFECT FOR BEHEADING. DISEMBOWELING.[/caption]
Muslims war under the firmly-believed and widely-cherished set of ideas that are rabidly militaristic. No matter which side is killed, Islam is the victor, “You kill them, you go to paradise; you get killed, you go to paradise,” are two examples of exhortations to jihadism and war.
For the past twenty years or so, I have been warning to free men and women: remain a spectator at your own peril. It is imperative that you take a stand, denounce the fraud of Islam and do all you can to prevent Islamic fire from devouring our civilized democratic system. Tomorrow will be too late.
I repeat, there is absolutely no chance of co-existence with Islamic doctrine. A simple understanding is to see what is happening in Islamic countries.
Also, don’t bank on politicians, they are master practitioners of the art of the politically correct, to protect liberty. Politicians must be urged by citizens to safeguard liberty, scrutinized closely that they do the work, and are held accountable if they fail to do so.
You, as a citizen, also have a job to do. Take a few minutes a day and do what you can to protect freedom. “Freedom is not free,” may be a cliché. Yet, it is the most profound four-word sentence in the lexicon of the free.
[caption id="attachment_1090" align="aligncenter" width="181"] ISLAM WOMEN[/caption]
Islam was made for men. Women are playthings of men. Islam is 100% misogynist. Men are superior to women. Women are to obey men and are to be beaten when they disobey or misbehave.