Poison Ivy/Poison Oak
It has been stated that any cream or oil spreads the problem. Having tried them I believe that statement.
My personal experience has been as follows:
- When coming inside from the outdoors I ALWAYS wash my hands with Fels-Naptha lye soap ( usually found in the laundry section of your store ). Remember, your pet may have been running through the patch responsible for your discomfort.
- All times of the year, except the dead of winter, I have a bottle in my bathroom with a mixture of 75% water and 25% Clorox. When I think ( or know ) an area has been infected I wipe the area with this solution. Sometimes this solution may need to be used again a little later, but I have not had an occurrence where this solution failed to solve my problem.
No, I have no problem or discomfort with this solution. ( No burning, etc.) However, we are all different, so one should always gently test solutions with care.
End of article.