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Culture and Education

Muslim JIHAD by TAQUIYYA — Virtuous Lying Is Soooo Easy…

JIHAD (jee’-hahd) has a couple definitions. The one used here is “the Qu’ran-decreed struggle to establish the worldwide Muslim Caliphate in Allah’s honor”  Caliphate is the Muslim word for total world dominance by the Islam religion over all other religions and peoples, led by a Caliph (khalif) for the honor of Allah.  Or more simply: the Muslim One World Order.  Non-believers beware, be taxed, beheaded. There are many faces, many facets and styles to Jihad. To Demonstrate the Difference – A Picture is worth a Thousand Words… Muslim Jihad by TERROR Muslim Jihad by TAQUIYYA It should perhaps be a requirement that all articles dealing with Islam start with a definition of “taquiyya” (taquia, taquiya). (tah-key’-yah).  This is a collection of Koran (Qu’ran) edicts that allows – sometimes requires – Muslims to lie straight-faced or smiling to non-believers in any area that promotes the spread of Allah and the World Muslim Caliphate (the One World Islam Order).

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QUOTES of NOTE ~ May 2019

AMERICAN Sovereignty –   “This is why Americans reject the idea of a sovereign United Nations that presumes to be the source of legitimacy for the United States Government’s policies, foreign or domestic. There is only one source of legitimacy of the American government’s policies – and that is the consent of the American people.” Sen Jesse Helms, 1-20-2000 in a speech to the UN Security Council. Government Power   “Government power must be dispersed. If government is to exercise power, better in the county than in the state, better in the state than in Washington. …If I do not like what my local community does, I can move to another local community… If I do not like what my state does, I can move to another. [But] if I do not like what Washington imposes, I have few alternatives in this world of jealous nations.” Milton Friedman, economist, in his 1962 book Capitalism and Freedom. Are Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar Jihadis in Congress?   … “The jihadist concept of al wala al barra …stipulates that a Muslim owes no allegiance to, and must not obey the laws of, any political system that is not run by Muslims, and that such un-Islamic systems must be destroyed.”   Sebastian Gorka’s 2018 book Why We Fight. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

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DO NOT let your Muslim/Islam guard down during the joy of our wondrous Spirit of Christmas. Let’s unwrap a few words from Islam.

Top of the list, one of my “this-explains-everything” favorites, is taquia, or taquya. It’s concept is from the Koran/Quran. It translates loosely as, “Tell the pig-faced infidels any lie you want, at any time you want, about anything you want if it furthers the pursuit of Allah.Got that?

Yes, you’re a pig, an infidel, a kuffar – and lying to you is a Muslim’s sworn duty in the promotion of Allah, and in the pursuit of the global Muslim sharia theocracy (government based on religiously held beliefs).

[caption id="attachment_179" align="alignleft" width="200"] Abdul el Sayed and wife, Michigan.[/caption]

It means that no matter how warm their smiles, how genuine their handshakes, how western their dress, if they are a Muslim their first and only duty is to Allah and you can be damned – which they will happily pursue to its headless end given any chance.

By dint of taquia you cannot trust a word they say; a treaty they sign; a pledge they make; and certainly not a Pledge of Allegiance to a non-Muslim infidel corrupt western country.

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