Constitutional America or Sharia Law America?
In previous issues I gave information on the number of Muslims running for federal elected offices. Since they tend to group in locations they naturally win a large portion of the elected positions. Of course school committees are sought after as that will influence the up and coming children. By now most of you probably know the number that won elective office.
The problem is not prejudice against Muslims per se. Even if a Muslim would rather not adhere to Sharia Law they are open to coercion because they know they and their family will suffer the penalties prescribed by Sharia Law of beheading or worse.
Excellent information is available from individuals previously under Sharia and are now risking their lives to stop it from becoming law in the United States. Examples : include Brigitte Gabriel : Religion of Peace- A Brief History of Islam – #islam #religionofpeace & Amil Imani Soft Jihad Islamizing our Schools.