Big Tech’s Laugh (4)

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Peter Thiel, co-founder of PayPal, blasted fellow Silicon Valley giant Google during a speech at the National Conservatism conference in Washington, D.C., over the weekend for agreeing to work with Communist China and shunning technology projects involving the U.S. military.

  As he opened his speech, the billionaire investor cited Google’s attempts to work out a deal with Beijing to develop a tightly-controlled search engine after letting lapse a U.S. Defense Department contract that would have given the American military access to the company’s powerful artificial intelligence tools.

Since the Clinton administration, China has been stealing sensitive U.S. military, intelligence, and financial data. Google is a company that is on the cutting edge of technology research, including artificial intelligence. Doing business with China on any level most often involves a demand by Beijing that the American company seeking to crack the Chinese market share and transfer technology.

JB  >>>>>>>