FASCISM: You are allowed to manage and ‘own’ ( pay all the bills ) a company, while the Government makes all the rules and decisions.
SOCIALISM: The Government owns everything and also makes all the rules and decisions.
Q: Would you call the two following articles Fascism or Socialism?
Q: Would you like your government to have this control?
The Daily Grind News 10-5-18
New California law imposes “gender quota” on corporate boards.
California on Sunday became the first state to impose a “gender quota” on corporate boards. The controversial bill, which applies to all companies headquartered in California – even if they are incorporated in another state – requires publicly held companies to hire corporate directors based on gender.
Companies will be required to have at least one female board member by the end of the year. By the end of 2021, five-member boards must have at least two women and larger boards must have at least three.
Companies who fail to obey the law will face a $100,000 fine for the first violation and $300,000 fine for the second.
World Newspaper in Coos County, Oregon 6-9-18
Concerns Raised On Abundance Of Beehives In County
The Coos County Beekeepers Association raised concerns to County Commissioners last week upon witnessing an influx of beehives come into the area and their worries on overcrowding and harvesting.
“We don’t want them here and people need to pay attention to this.” … “They take their bees back and then we’re left with not much.”