It’s 3:37am. The fire is coming over the ridge. The wind is at its back. And your house is directly in its path.
The kids are already at Gramma’s. So is the dog. And the parakeet.
Your wife takes your hand and says as bravely as she can, “It’s time, Honey. We still have each other. And we can always rebuild.” A silent tear wends its way down her cheek. You take her hand, stroke her cheek, and head for the car……. One last look in the rearview mirror. Goodbye…….
All over our West Coast this scene has replayed itself time after time, tragedy after tragedy, with some not ending so happily – if you can even call total utter destruction happy…

The firefighting experts are saying these fires are different, more violent, more explosive. They’re leaping too quickly. The smoke is choking, the heat too intense. Green healthy trees shouldn’t go up like that. The weather is too dry. And hot. Where’s the fog? And each new fire has the frightening potential of being the “worst fire in history”.
The answer is sometimes complex but let’s keep it simple. And I am not saying that our government has done this but I am saying that our government could do this (as can several other governments…)
Those funny looking white trails you see in the sky that sometimes join together and actually occlude the sun? These are Solar Radiation Management aerosol sprays and are better known as chemtrails. These “trails” have been shown to contain aluminum, barium, strontium and, in some very special West Coast locations, lithium.
“What goes up must come down” and that metal dust [those four are all metal elements] does eventually come drifting down day after day after week after year after decade.
To what effect?
Well, Aluminum dust is an incendiary (a substance used to both start and support fires). Also, very tiny particles of aluminum (nano-aluminum) wash into the ground and are then taken up by the tree roots, killing the trees from the bottom up. Bare branches are one symptom of aluminum poisoning.
Barium may ignite or explode on contact with water. It can also be ignited by heat, sparks, or flame. It can create corrosive solutions/runoffs, and toxic gases. And barium may re-ignite after the fire is extinguished.
Strontium is not flammable but creates flammable and/or explosive gases when put in contact with water.
Lithium is both flammable and explosive and reacts violently to many compounds. Exposed to water, lithium produces highly flammable hydrogen gas and corrosive fumes of lithium hydroxide.
These mixes of incendiary dusts have been lazily spiraling down out of our skies and onto our rooftops and landscapes for years. Just by themselves they could account for the raging natures of our West Coast fires. Aluminum, barium, strontium, lithium — metal dusts that are explosive, toxic, fire-starting and fire-supporting. In addition, barium can re-ignite after the fire is out. And this dust is everywhere, coating everything, day in day out, 24-7-365.
But there are other factors in play, also. Here’s a partial list. I will get back to you in another article with more details but let’s not muddy up this article’s straight-at-you talk with a bunch of 6-syllable scientific mumbledypeg jargon.
And remember, I am not saying our government is doing this, only that they have the capability to do so if they wish.
One, the ozone layer has been sporadically depleted and this is partly why we are getting more UV (ultraviolet) rays through. We used to get only UVA rays. Now UVB has increased (last I heard it was at about 5%) and for the first time we are now getting UVC rays through. These UVC rays are deadly to trees and vegetation, especially plants that get a lot of direct sun. The plants literally fry.
Two, because we now have an atmosphere just loaded with electrically conductive dust, we have a whole lot more cloud-to-ground lightning strikes. Could lightning spark those metal dusts on those dry trees?
Three, by using microwave transmissions (think HAARP) they can create (among other things) high pressure stationary heat domes. These keep the heat localized and intense.
Four, we all know that “seeding” clouds may create more rainfall. But let’s think of reverse seeding. Instead of trying for rain, someone puts desiccants up in the clouds that take away the clouds’ moisture. This prevents rain. It also noticeably drops the relative humidity.
Five, all along the West Coast is an artificial (geoengineered) high pressure ridge. This keeps “weather” out, which is to say it doesn’t rain.
We’ll get into the science of all this later. But you can see how these all could contribute to fire weather to support fire storms. The whole specter falls under the umbrella of GeoEngineering, or more simply put, diabolically mutzing around with the earth.
A Sixth item will definitely be another article but I’ll just toss it in here: DEWs. Directed Energy Weapons. God Rods. Narrowly focused condensed beams of energy created for and hell-bent on destruction: fire; explosion; earthquakes; death. And all it takes are X-Y coordinates……
Ronnie Herne (c) 2018
Special note of thanks to Dane Wigington for his fire article on GeoEngineeringWatch .com
Special note of thanks to Sonoma Magazine for their spectacular photographic coverage of the devastating fires in and around Santa Rosa, October 2017.
Coming in a future issue: How to Can Butter. Yes, you can, and we do not mean ghee. We mean real honest to goodness canned butter that will last sealed for years and years!