So What the Heck IS a TRILLION ??
Simple: It’s a gazillion bazillions……. ;-)) >>>>>>>>>>>> Various media have been tossing around the “Trillion” numbers lately. As we mere mortals do not have the capacity to just envision off hand the actual worth of a “trillion”, the numbers become happenstance and meaningless. I mean, we get – and easily – the value, or worth, or size of a million pebbles, or a million mattresses, or feathers, or rubies, and of course a million dollars. We can grasp the concept of a “Million”. Billions get trickier. Two million, okay. Ten million, okay. 100 million a little vaguer. 1,000 million – which is one billion – is fairly hard to put your finger on. (Yes, it would be very nice to get your hands on a billion, and I encourage it! Still, it might take a week, or month, or year or so to figure out what to do with all of that.)